Adequate control and COSHH schedule 2A

Adequate control and COSHH schedule 2A

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 require employers to ensure that the exposure of his employees to substances hazardous to health is either prevented or, where this is not reasonably practicable, adequately controlled.

What does adequately controlled mean?

As per COSHH 7(7), control of exposure shall only be treated as adequate if –

  • The principles of good practice for the control of exposure to substances hazardous to health (COSHH Schedule 2A) are applied;
  • Any WEL for that substance is not exceeded;
  • For a substance which is a carcinogen, mutagen or sensitiser (see exact definition under COSHH Reg 7(7)), exposure must be reduced to as low a level as is reasonably practicable (ALARP).

If your exposure is below a WEL, this does not alone prove adequate control.

Let’s take a look at COSHH Schedule 2A.

We draw your attention to part C. The controls must be proportionate to the health risk.

The more severe the potential health effect, and the greater the likelihood of it occurring, the stricter the measures required to control exposure. Control measures that are adequate should consider the nature and severity of the hazard and the magnitude, frequency and duration of exposure. They should be proportionate to the risk.

Our occupational hygiene consultants can advise on the appropriate and proportionate controls needed for the health risks at your site.

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