Face fit testing is necessary for people who wear a mask at work, such as vehicle body builders, plumbers, gas fitters and metal plate workers. The test makes sure the Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) fits the individual’s face shape and size and provides effective protection from hazardous substances to avoid contracting respiratory-related diseases.
There are a range of hazards that require protection by RPE, including dust, asbestos, bioaerosols, fibres or exposure to a public health hazard such as Covid-19.
Our occupational hygiene consultants have years of experience in face fit tests and will conduct a detailed safety assessment to make sure your equipment is up to standard. Our face fit test involves:
Let us help you make sure your RPE provides sufficient protection to your staff – contact us today to find out more about how we can help your business carry out face fit testing.
If you have a specific enquiry, please complete the form and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.